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  Title : Leading manufacturer of faucets since 1980
  Description : In the business for more than 40 years. - Manufacturer of bathroom fittings and fixtures. - Business is growing at a healthy pace backed by confirmed orders from existing and new clients. - Suppliers of wash basins, water closets under our own brand name. - Have a company owned manufacturing unit in Baddi, that has a production capacity of producing INR 5-6 crore worth of products per month.
  Turnover : 25cr
  EBITDA : 30
  Start Year : 1980
  Reason For Sale : shifting to different industry
  Asking Price      : INR 65
  Price Includes : whole setup with physical asset of 10cr
  Address: plot - 46 daha , industrial area, Baddi
  Longitude,Longitude : Please Login to see exact Google location & share on whatsapp.
  Contact: Please Login to see contact details

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